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New gas filled voltage stabilator valves

This list contains new (NOS) and tested gas filled voltage stabilator valves.

OrderTypeValve functionPriceVendorPicture(click for bigger)
CV395Voltage Regulator 150V€10.68STC Voltage Regulator 150V CV395

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Russian types that is searched must end with a letter (read: not metal housing), the latin letters are translated to russian in the result! To seach for Russian types that does not end with a letter, use russian letters.Latin letters are automaticly translated to russian letters. There is one special case, Y is translated to Э

Western Electric vendor types always starts with WE eg WE403B

The Chinese has messed it up! They have taken the russian types, translated to latin letters and removed the letter suffix, then you got an Chinese type with the same name as an US-type and it's not the same valve! If you search for a Chinese type, try to add suffix p eg 6j5p.

A * after the type means compatible type with diffrent filament connection.

You can even search for diode-, transistor- och IC-types that does not have type conflicts with valves.

You can even navigate with words on the site, these words (not case sensitive):

Radio,tv valve,amp,preamp,power amp,output valve,power valve,micro,special,long life, rectifying valve,stabilisator valve,regulator valve,valve holder, valve socket, transmit,transmis,schema,circuit,resistor,pot,ptc,ntc,potensium,power resistor,trim resistor,special resistor,capacitor,dide,schottky diode, rectifier diode,rectifier bridge,transient,zener,transistor,darlington,power transistor,igbt,signal,tyristor,fet,mosfet,special transistor,ic,ad,da, a/d,d/a,cmos,ttl,cpu,ram,rom,op,eprom,special ic,logic,central,memory,integrated,surplus,transformer,lamp,fuse,crystal,meter,coil,filter,switch,relay, microphone,contact,connector