Your old electronics shop, now on the net!

Welcome to our second shop!

Here we sell old electronics componens, that run out of time!

So surface mount, you need to shop somewhere else.

We have focused or buisiness on resistors, diodes, capacitors, transistors and IC.


From the 25:th of May 2018 GDPR was introduced to led the customer control it's personal details and how they are distributed. They need to be handled in a safer way.

We do not send customer details to third party and don't have much marketing by e-mail. We have also introduced a way to erase you ! When done, your data and your orders are erased from our system. Anonymous order data are kept on file for bookkeeping.

Unless you erase yourself, we save your data in maximum a year. We will inform you if your information is about to be erased.GDPR

We love to test !

We test resistors, diodes, capacitors and transistors. You receive our measurement when you receive our order. For foil capacitors we have marked those outer side measured by an ociloscope.

We both test for your safety and that we think its fun !

For IC we test 40-,45-,54- and 74-series logic IC. The othe ones we dont test.


Transistor-, diode- and capacitortester

Things that contains this generation of components

Telefuken radio
The first area that the transistor replacesd the valve was the radio. Came in the 1950's with Germanium transistors.

Philips K9
In the middle of the 1970's valves was replaced by transistors except the CRT in most TV's.

Philips K9 chassi
How the transistorized TV looked from the inside. Philips K9.

Apple ][ moderkort.
Apple ][ came out as the first computer with colour graphics 1977. The computer was based on the 8-bit 6502 processor, the TTL and memory IC's.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum och ZX 81
Siclairs cheap and popular computer was based on Zilog Z80 8-bit processor. Aklready on ZX 81, a custom IC could replace a lot of logic IC's.

Amiga 500
Already on the 1980's came the 16-bit processor. The most popular alternative to Intel was Motorola 68000 that was most sold in Amiga 500.

Static list basered on prisce list for electronics

Time stamp for auto test

2025-01-13 15:57:00

Resistor types

Test: 203-7A

Type: 203-7A

Marking: 203 7A

Description: Trim Potensiumeter CT-6 20kOhm

Precision: 10%

Power: 0,5W

Available vendors: Copal

Price: €0.35

Test: 204

Type: 204

Marking: 204 1B

Description: Trim potensiumeter CT-6 200kOhm

Precision: 10%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Copal

Price: €0.35

Test: 502-OM

Type: 502-OM

Marking: 502 OM

Description: Trim Potensiumeter CT-6 5kOhm

Precision: 10%

Power: 0,5W

Available vendors: Copal

Price: €0.35



Marking: E12 2W 1%

Description: Resistor decade E12

Price: €8.69

Test: RATT1

Type: RATT1

Marking: D38xH20 mm

Description: Black knob with arrow

Available vendors: Alpha

Price: €2.17

Test: RATT2

Type: RATT2

Marking: D30xH24 mm

Description: Black knob with arrow

Price: €2.17

Test: RATT4

Type: RATT4

Marking: L24xW18xH19 mm

Description: Black knob with pointer, open

Price: €1.04

Test: RATT5

Type: RATT5

Marking: D26xH18 mm

Description: Metallic knob with triangle

Price: €3.04

Test: RATT6

Type: RATT6

Marking: D22xH21 mm

Description: Black knob, open

Price: €1.04

Test: RATT8

Type: RATT8

Marking: L48xW26xH19 mm

Description: Black knob with pointer

Price: €2.17

Test: RATT9

Type: RATT9

Marking: D60xH22 mm

Description: Black knob with steel scale 0-100

Price: €5.65

Test: RATT10

Type: RATT10

Marking: D60xH22 mm

Description: Black knob with steel scale 0-100

Price: €6.52

Test: RATT11

Type: RATT11

Marking: L31xW19xH16 mm

Description: Black knob with pointer

Price: €1.74

Test: RATT12

Type: RATT12

Marking: D22xH22 mm

Description: Black knob with ring

Price: €1.91

Test: RATT13

Type: RATT13

Marking: L45xW19xH18 mm

Description: Black knob long with pointer

Price: €2.17

Test: RATT14

Type: RATT14

Marking: D31xW19xH16 mm

Description: Black knob with pointer

Price: €1.91

Test: RATT15

Type: RATT15

Marking: D25xH28 mm

Description: Black knob round, high

Price: €3.04

Test: RATT16

Type: RATT16

Marking: D41xW20xH16 mm

Description: Black knob long with pointer

Price: €2.17

Test: RATT18

Type: RATT18

Marking: D24xH21 mm

Description: Black knob with arrow

Price: €1.91

Test: R2210P5W

Type: R2210P5W

Marking: 208-0. 5W R22 10%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 10%

Power: 5W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.43

Test: R4710P4WST

Type: R4710P4WST

Marking: 206, 4W R47 10%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Precision: 10%

Power: 4W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: R622P05W

Type: R622P05W

Marking: R62 2% 2504

Description: Metal film 0,62Ohm 2%,E24

Precision: 2%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17

Test: 1R010P4W

Type: 1R010P4W

Marking: 206-1 1R0 10% P

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 10%

Power: 4W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 3R910WST

Type: 3R910WST

Marking: KKE11 3,9Ohm 10G

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Power: 10W

Price: €0.87

Test: 4R7-1W

Type: 4R7-1W

Marking: 4R7 K 0617

Description: Laying

Power: 2W

Price: €0.26

Test: 4R710P4W

Type: 4R710P4W

Marking: 206, 4R7 4W 10%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 10%

Power: 4W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 4R710P17WST

Type: 4R710P17WST

Marking: 218-1 17W 4R7 10%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Precision: 10%

Power: 17W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €1.48

Test: 6R05P6WST

Type: 6R05P6WST

Marking: 3209910 k 6R0 5%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Precision: 5%

Power: 6W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.52

Test: 6R55P6WST

Type: 6R55P6WST

Marking: KKE7 6Ohm5 5% 401

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Precision: 5%

Power: 6W

Price: €0.52

Test: 6R8-5P2W

Type: 6R8-5P2W

Marking: 202. 2W 6R8 5%

Description: Laying

Power: 2W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 10R5P2WS

Type: 10R5P2WS

Marking: 10Ohm 5% 2W

Description: Carbon film 10Ohm 5% big

Precision: 5%

Power: 2W

Price: €0.35

Test: 13R5P1WS

Type: 13R5P1WS

Marking: 13Ohm 5% 1W

Description: Carbon film 13Ohm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26

Test: 16R5P1WS

Type: 16R5P1WS

Marking: 16Ohm 5% 1W

Description: Carbon film 16Ohm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26

Test: 22R10P4W

Type: 22R10P4W

Marking: 206, 4W 22R 10%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 5%

Power: 4W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 24R5P2W

Type: 24R5P2W

Marking: 24Ω 5%2W 0,5 415

Description: Wire wound 24Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 2W

Available vendors: Rosen Thal

Price: €0.35

Test: 30R05WKF

Type: 30R05WKF

Marking: 30Ω 0,5

Description: Carbon film 30Ohm 0,5W,standing legs,E24

Power: 0,5W

Available vendors: Rosen Thal

Price: €0.17

Test: 43R3P10W

Type: 43R3P10W

Marking: RH-10 43R 3% 10W 7340

Description: Wire wound 43Ohm 3%,E24

Precision: 3%

Power: 10W

Available vendors: Dale

Price: €0.87

Test: 47R10P4W

Type: 47R10P4W

Marking: 206, 4W 10%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 10%

Power: 4W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 47R10P4WST

Type: 47R10P4WST

Marking: 206, 4W 47R 10%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Precision: 10%

Power: 4W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 47R5P10W

Type: 47R5P10W

Marking: CW8 300P 47Ohm 5%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Precision: 5%

Power: 10W

Available vendors: Cervistor

Price: €0.87

Test: 56R5P1WS

Type: 56R5P1WS

Marking: 56Ohm 5% 1W

Description: Carbon film 56Ohm 5% big

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26

Test: 100R5W

Type: 100R5W

Marking: W22 100R 5%

Description: Laying 100Ohm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 5W

Price: €0.26

Test: 100R10P4WST

Type: 100R10P4WST

Marking: 206, 4W 100R 10%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Precision: 10%

Power: 4W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 110R5P1WS

Type: 110R5P1WS

Marking: 110Ohm 5% 1W

Description: Carbon film 110Ohm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26

Test: 130R1W

Type: 130R1W

Marking: 1W 130Ω

Description: Carbon film 130Ohm,standing legs,E24

Power: 1W

Available vendors: NSF

Price: €0.26

Test: 200R5P1W

Type: 200R5P1W

Marking: 200Ω 1W 5% 5 DIN

Description: Carbon film 200Ohm,standing legs,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Available vendors: Rosen Thal

Price: €0.26

Test: 200R5W

Type: 200R5W

Marking: 200Ω

Description: Carbon film 200Ohm 5W,standing legs,E24

Power: 5W

Available vendors: Tesla

Price: €0.43

Test: 270R5P3WST

Type: 270R5P3WST

Marking: 270Ohm5%3F

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 5%

Power: 4W

Price: €0.26

Test: 270R5P4W

Type: 270R5P4W

Marking: 206, 270R 4W 5%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 5%

Power: 4W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 300R5P05W

Type: 300R5P05W

Marking: 300Ω 5% UK 70.48

Description: Wire wound 300Ohm 5% 0.5W,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Price: €0.17

Test: 390R05P2W

Type: 390R05P2W

Marking: 402 390R 0,5% T9

Description: Precision resistor 390Ohm

Precision: 0,5%

Power: 2W

Available vendors: Vitrohm Aci

Price: €0.35

Test: 470R10P6WST

Type: 470R10P6WST

Marking: 214-5 R 470R 10%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Precision: 10%

Power: 6W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.52

Test: 1000R5WST

Type: 1000R5WST

Marking: 16025T 1000Ohm

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Power: 5W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.43

Test: 1KOHM

Type: 1KOHM

Marking: 1kOhm

Description: Laying

Power: 0.25W

Price: €0.09

Test: 1250R6WAT

Type: 1250R6WAT

Marking: GLA 120Ohm

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, with tap

Power: 6W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.7

Test: 1K2-5P9WST

Type: 1K2-5P9WST

Marking: 214--1 9W 1K2 5%

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Precision: 5%

Power: 9W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.78

Test: 2K5P1WS

Type: 2K5P1WS

Marking: 2kOhm 5% 1W

Description: Carbon film 2kOhm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26

Test: 3K3-9WST

Type: 3K3-9WST

Marking: 3,3KOhm-9W-C1

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor, standing

Power: 9W

Available vendors: Modulohm

Price: €0.78

Test: 4K75P17W

Type: 4K75P17W

Marking: 218 17W 4K7 5%

Description: Cheramic power resistor

Precision: 5%

Power: 17W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €1.48

Test: 6K8-5P4W

Type: 6K8-5P4W

Marking: 206-1 6K8 5% X

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 5%

Power: 4W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 10K5P5W

Type: 10K5P5W

Marking: 208-0 10K 5% L

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 5%

Power: 5W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.43

Test: 10K5P9W

Type: 10K5P9W

Marking: 214-0 10K 5% H

Description: Cheramic Power Resistor

Precision: 5%

Power: 9W

Available vendors: Vitrohm

Price: €0.78

Test: 16K5P1WS

Type: 16K5P1WS

Marking: 16kOhm 5% 1W

Description: Carbon film 16kOhm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26

Test: 20K2WKF

Type: 20K2WKF

Marking: 20KΩ

Description: Carbon film 20kOhm, standing legs 2W,E24

Power: 2W

Available vendors: Ingelen

Price: €0.35

Test: 39K5P10W

Type: 39K5P10W

Marking: CW-10 39K 5% K8703

Description: Laying 39K 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 10W

Available vendors: Dale

Price: €0.87

Test: 43K5P1WS

Type: 43K5P1WS

Marking: 43kOhm 5% 1W

Description: Carbon film 43kOhm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26

Test: 51K5P2WS

Type: 51K5P2WS

Marking: 51kOhm 5% 2W

Description: Carbon film 51kOhm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 2W

Price: €0.35

Test: 220K5P2W

Type: 220K5P2W

Marking: 220K 5%

Description: Carbon film 220K 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 2W

Available vendors: Ohm

Price: €0.35

Test: 300K5P1WS

Type: 300K5P1WS

Marking: 300kOhm 5% 1W

Description: Carbon film 300kOhm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26

Test: 1M25P2WS

Type: 1M25P2WS

Marking: 1,2MOhm 5% 2W

Description: Carbon film 1,2Mohm 5% big

Precision: 5%

Power: 2W

Price: €0.35

Test: 3M65P1WS

Type: 3M65P1WS

Marking: 3.6MOhm 5% 1W

Description: Carbon film 3.6MOhm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26

Test: 4M35P2WS

Type: 4M35P2WS

Marking: 4.3MOhm 5% 2W

Description: Carbon film 4.3MOhm 5% big,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 2W

Price: €0.35

Test: 6M21W

Type: 6M21W

Marking: 6,2M 1W

Description: Carbon film 6.2MOhm,standing legs,E24

Power: 1W

Available vendors: Rosen Thal

Price: €0.26

Test: 6M85P1WS

Type: 6M85P1WS

Marking: 6.8MOhm 10% 1W

Description: Carbon film 6.8MOhm 10% big

Precision: 10%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26



Marking: B O GL R

Description: Carbon film 1.3Ohm 2%,E24

Precision: 2%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: B R S SL

Description: Coal 12Ohm 10%

Precision: 10%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite Philips

Price: €0.17



Marking: R GUL S R

Description: Carbon film 24Ohm 2%,E24

Precision: 2%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: O BL S R

Description: Carbon film 36Ohm 2%,E24

Precision: 2%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: O BL S GL

Description: Carbon film 36Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: O BL S GL

Description: Carbon film 36Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: O O S SL

Description: Coal 33Ohm 10%

Precision: 10%

Power: 2W

Price: €0.35



Marking: GUL VIO S GL

Description: Coal 47Ohm

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: BL R S GL

Description: Metal film 62Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: GR R S GL

Description: Coal 82Ohm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: B S B GL

Description: Coal 100Ohm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,5W

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €0.17



Marking: B B B GL

Description: Carbon film 110Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: B B B GL

Description: Carbon film 110Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17

Test: BRBGL025KM

Type: BRBGL025KM

Marking: B R B GL

Description: Coal 120Ohm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: B G B GL

Description: Coal 150Ohm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: R GUL B R

Description: Carbon film 240Ohm 2%,E24

Precision: 2%

Power: 0.25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: O S B GL

Description: Carbon film 300Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: O BL B GL

Description: Carbon film 360Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: O V B SL

Description: Coal 390Ohm 10%, short legs

Precision: 10%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: GUL VIO B GL

Description: Coal 550Ohm

Precision: 17%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Philips Morganite

Price: €0.17

Test: GBBR025WKF

Type: GBBR025WKF

Marking: G B B GL

Description: Carbon film 510Ohm 2%,E24

Precision: 2%

Power: 0,25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: G B B GL

Description: Carbon film 510Ohm 5% 1W,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26



Marking: G BL B GL

Description: Coal 560Ohm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: VIO G B R

Description: Carbon film 750Ohm 2% 0.5W,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: V B B R

Description: Carbon film 910Ohm 2% 0.5W,E24

Precision: 2%

Power: 0.5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: GR R S GL

Description: Coal 820Ohm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 5W

Price: €0.43



Marking: B B R GL

Description: Carbon film 1K1Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: B B R GL

Description: Carbon film 1K1Ohm 5% 0.5W,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: B S R GL

Description: Coal 1.2kOhm

Precision: 20%

Power: 0,5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: B S R SL

Description: Coal 1kOhm

Precision: 10%

Power: 1W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.26



Marking: B R R GL

Description: Coal 1.2kOhm

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Philips Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: B G R GL

Description: Coal 1.5kOhm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: B GR R GL

Description: Coal 1.9kOhm

Precision: 8%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: R S R SL

Description: Coal 2kOhm 10%

Precision: 10%

Power: 0.5w

Price: €0.17



Marking: B B O R

Description: Carbon film 11kOhm 5% 0.5W,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: B B O GL

Description: Carbon film 11kOhm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: R VIO R GL

Description: Coal 2.7kOhm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: O O R SL

Description: Coal 3.3kOhm 10%

Precision: 10%

Power: 1W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.26



Marking: GUL VIO R GL

Description: Coal 4.7kOhm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: G B R SL

Description: Coal 5.1kOhm 10%

Precision: 10%

Power: 0.5w

Price: €0.17



Marking: G BL R GL

Description: Coal 5.6kOhm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: B S O GL

Description: Coal 10kOhm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: B R O GL

Description: Coal 12kOhm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: B O O R

Description: Carbon film 13kOhm 2% 0.5W,E24

Precision: 2%

Power: 0.5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: B G O GL

Description: Coal 16kOhm

Precision: 7%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: B GR O GL

Description: Coal 18kOhm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: B GR O SL

Description: Coal 18kOhm 10%

Precision: 10%

Power: 0.5w

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €0.17



Marking: B BL O R

Description: Carbon film 16kOhm 2% 0.5W,E24

Precision: 2%

Power: 0.5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: R S S R

Description: Carbon film 20kOhm 2% 0.5W,E48

Precision: 2%

Power: 0.5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: O S O GL

Description: Carbon film 30kOhm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.25W

Price: €0.17



Marking: B BL GUL GL

Description: Carbon film 160kOhm 2%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.25W

Price: €0.09



Marking: R R GUL GL

Description: Coal 220kOhm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5w

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: R R GUL SL

Description: Coal 220kOhm 10%

Precision: 10%

Power: 0.5w

Available vendors: Morganite Philips

Price: €0.17



Marking: G B B GL

Description: Carbon film 510Ohm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26



Marking: G BL B GL

Description: Carbon film 560Ohm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: O O R GL

Description: Carbon film 3,3kOhm 5%

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: B B GUL GL

Description: Carbon film 110kOhm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 1W

Price: €0.26




Description: Coal 470kOhm 5%, short legs

Precision: 5%

Power: 0.5W

Available vendors: Morganite

Price: €0.17



Marking: R GUL G GL

Description: Coal 2.4MOhm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 2W

Price: €0.35



Marking: O BL G GL

Description: Carbon film 3.6MOhm 5%,E24

Precision: 5%

Power: 0,5W

Price: €0.17



Marking: G B

Description: NTC 1574Ohm 22C

Price: €0.26

Capacitor types

Test: 50PF250V

Type: 50PF250V

Marking: 50pF 250V 10%

Description: Laying 50pF 10%

Volt: 250V

Precision: 10%

Price: €0.17

Test: MDC220KX5F

Type: MDC220KX5F

Marking: MDC 220K X5F

Description: Standing disc 220pF 1kV

Volt: 500V

Price: €0.17

Test: Z5U001M1KV

Type: Z5U001M1KV

Marking: Z5U .001M 1KV

Description: Standing disc 845pF 1kV

Volt: 1kV

Price: €0.17

Test: 390H

Type: 390H

Marking: 390H

Description: Laying 390pF

Price: €0.17

Test: Z5U2200M1KV

Type: Z5U2200M1KV

Marking: Z5U 2200M 1KV

Description: Standing disc 2.2nF 1kV

Volt: 1kV

Price: €0.17

Test: Z5U01M1KV

Type: Z5U01M1KV

Marking: Z5U .0.1M 1KV

Description: Standing disc 7.7nF 1kV

Volt: 1kV

Available vendors: O2I

Price: €0.17

Test: 47UF100V

Type: 47UF100V

Marking: 47uF 100V 7D 8235

Description: Laying 47uF 100V

Volt: 100V

Price: €0.87

Test: FA1N210P400V

Type: FA1N210P400V

Marking: 1200pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 1200pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA1N810P400V

Type: FA1N810P400V

Marking: 1800pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 1800pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA2N210P400V

Type: FA2N210P400V

Marking: 2200pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 2200pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA2N710P400V

Type: FA2N710P400V

Marking: 2700pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 2700pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA3N310P400V

Type: FA3N310P400V

Marking: 3300pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 3300pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA3N910P400V

Type: FA3N910P400V

Marking: 3900pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 3900pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA4N710P400V

Type: FA4N710P400V

Marking: 4700pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 4700pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA5N610P400V

Type: FA5N610P400V

Marking: 5600pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 5600pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA6N810P400V

Type: FA6N810P400V

Marking: 6800pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 6800pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA8N210P400V

Type: FA8N210P400V

Marking: 8200pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 8200pF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA10N10P400V

Type: FA10N10P400V

Marking: 0,01uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.01uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.35

Test: FA12N10P400V

Type: FA12N10P400V

Marking: 0,012uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.012uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.43

Test: FA15N10P400V

Type: FA15N10P400V

Marking: 0,015uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.015uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.43

Test: FA18N10P400V

Type: FA18N10P400V

Marking: 0,018uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.018uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.43

Test: FA22N10P400V

Type: FA22N10P400V

Marking: 0,022uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.022uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.43

Test: FA27N10P400V

Type: FA27N10P400V

Marking: 0,027uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.027uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.43

Test: PHE242H0033

Type: PHE242H0033

Marking: PHE242H 0.033uF

Description: Standing 0.033uF 250VDC

Volt: 250V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.87

Test: FA33N10P400V

Type: FA33N10P400V

Marking: 0,033uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.033uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.52

Test: FA39N10P400V

Type: FA39N10P400V

Marking: 0,039uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.039uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.52

Test: 47N250V10PST

Type: 47N250V10PST

Marking: 0,047 10% 250- MMK

Description: Standing 47nF 250VDC

Volt: 250V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.61

Test: 47N250VBST

Type: 47N250VBST

Marking: 0.047 250- B MKS

Description: Standing 47nF 250VDC, short legs

Volt: 250V

Available vendors: Wima

Price: €0.26

Test: 47N400V10PST

Type: 47N400V10PST

Marking: 0,047 10% 400 EVOX MMK

Description: Standing 47nF 400VDC

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.7

Test: 47K630VDCST

Type: 47K630VDCST

Marking: MKT1822/DIN44222 ,047K630-

Description: Standing 47nF 630VDC

Volt: 630V

Available vendors: Ero

Price: €0.35

Test: 47NZ63VY

Type: 47NZ63VY

Marking: 47n Z 63V

Description: Standing disc 47nf 63V

Volt: 63V

Available vendors: Thomson

Price: €0.17

Test: 343MCW040047

Type: 343MCW040047

Marking: 0.047/10/1250 343-MC-W04

Description: Laying 0.047uF 1250VDC

Volt: 1250V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €0.78

Test: FA47N10P400V

Type: FA47N10P400V

Marking: 0,047uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.047uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.61

Test: PHE241DK547

Type: PHE241DK547

Marking: PHE240DK 0.047uF

Description: Standing 0.047uF 100VDC

Volt: 100V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.87

Test: ER0047UF400VDC

Type: ER0047UF400VDC

Marking: 0,047uF 400V- 250V~ k E1

Description: Laying 0.047uF 400VDC

Volt: 400V

Available vendors: Eroid

Price: €1.04

Test: 56N400V10P-23P

Type: 56N400V10P-23P

Marking: 0,056uF ±10% 400-

Description: Laying 0.056uF 10% 400VDC

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Price: €0.26

Test: FA56N10P400V

Type: FA56N10P400V

Marking: 0,056uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.056uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.61

Test: FA68N10P400V

Type: FA68N10P400V

Marking: 0,068uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.068uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.7

Test: 50UF15VU6

Type: 50UF15VU6

Marking: 50uF 15V- U6

Description: Standing 50uF 15V

Volt: 15V

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €0.7

Test: 220UF10V20P

Type: 220UF10V20P

Marking: 220uF 10V 20%

Description: Laying 220uF 10V

Volt: 10V

Precision: 20%

Available vendors: Kemet

Price: €0.43

Test: KP1833056

Type: KP1833056

Marking: KP1833 0,056uF ±5% 630- F6

Description: Standing 56nF 5% 630VDC

Volt: 630V

Precision: 5%

Available vendors: Ero

Price: €0.7

Test: PEG124B

Type: PEG124B

Marking: 160uF 16V

Description: Laying 160uF 16V

Volt: 16V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.43

Test: PEG124HD

Type: PEG124HD

Marking: 220uF 25V

Description: Laying 220uF 25V

Volt: 25V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.43

Test: PEG124E

Type: PEG124E

Marking: 500uF 16V

Description: Laying 500uF 16V

Volt: 16V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.43

Test: PEG124G

Type: PEG124GD347

Marking: 470uF 16V

Description: Laying 470uF 16V

Volt: 16V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.43

Test: PEG124GD347

Type: PEG124GD347

Marking: 470uF 16V

Description: Laying 470uF 16V

Volt: 16V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.43

Test: PEH1322E86

Type: PEH1322E86

Marking: 8uF+8uF 450V

Description: Standing 8+8uF 450V

Volt: 450V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €2.17

Test: PFE21611N8

Type: PFE21611N8

Marking: PFE21611N8

Description: Standing 11.8nF 200VDC

Volt: 200V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.3

Test: PFE21647N

Type: PFE21647N

Marking: PFE216 47nG C7340

Description: Standing 47nF 200VDC

Volt: 200V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.3

Test: PFE21656N2

Type: PFE21656N2

Marking: PFE216 56n2 C7645

Description: Standing 56.2nF 200VDC

Volt: 200V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.3

Test: PHE241D01

Type: PHE241D01

Marking: PHE241D 0.1uF

Description: Standing 0.1uF 100VDC

Volt: 100V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.04

Test: PHE241H01

Type: PHE241H01

Marking: PHE241H 0.1uF

Description: Standing 0.1uF 250VDC

Volt: 250V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.04

Test: FA01U10P400V

Type: FA01U10P400V

Marking: 0,1uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.1uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.78

Test: FA012U10P400V

Type: FA012U10P400V

Marking: 0,12uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.12uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.87

Test: PHE241D015

Type: PHE241D015

Marking: PHE241D 0.15uF

Description: Standing 0.15uF 100VDC

Volt: 100V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.04

Test: FA015U10P400V

Type: FA015U10P400V

Marking: 0,15uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.15uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.96

Test: FA018U10P400V

Type: FA018U10P400V

Marking: 0,18uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.18uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.96

Test: FA022U10P400V

Type: FA022U10P400V

Marking: 0,22uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.22uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.04

Test: FA027U10P400V

Type: FA027U10P400V

Marking: 0,27uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.27uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.04

Test: FA033U10P400V

Type: FA033U10P400V

Marking: 0,33uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.33uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.13

Test: FA039U10P400V

Type: FA039U10P400V

Marking: 0,39uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.39uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.13

Test: PHE240D047

Type: PHE240D047

Marking: PHE240D 0.47uF

Description: Standing 0.47uF 100VDC

Volt: 100V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.22

Test: FA047U10P400V

Type: FA047U10P400V

Marking: 0,47uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.47uF 10% 400V

Volt: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.13

Test: PME26161000

Type: PME26161000

Marking: PME2616 1000pF 630-

Description: Standing 1000pF 630V

Volt: 630V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.17

Test: PME271Y447

Type: PME271Y447

Marking: 4700pF@Y 250~MP fo=29MHz

Description: Standing 4700pF 250VAC

Volt: 250VAC

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.17

Test: PME26160022

Type: PME26160022

Marking: PME2616 0.022uF 630-

Description: Standing 0.022uF 630V

Volt: 630V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.43

Test: PME26160033

Type: PME26160033

Marking: PME2616 0.033uF 630-

Description: Standing 0.033uF 630V

Volt: 630V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.43

Test: PMG5102

Type: PMG5102

Marking: 0.25uF 250V-

Description: Laying 0.25uF 250VDC

Volt: 250V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.43

Diode types, direct match

Test: 40HFR80

Type: 40HFR80

Markning: 40HFR80

Description: Rectifying diode, Power diode

Normal current: 40A

Max current: 570A

Diode voltage drop: 0.577V

Max reverse voltage: 800V

Max AC: 560V

Max DC: 800V

Material: Silicon

Price: €6

Test: 41HFR40

Type: 41HFR40

Markning: 41HFR40

Description: Rectifying diode, Power diode

Normal current: 40A

Max current: 570A

Diode voltage drop: 0.576V

Max reverse voltage: 400V

Max AC: 280V

Max DC: 400V

Material: Silicon

Price: €5.13

Test: 41HFR80

Type: 41HFR80

Markning: 41HFR80

Description: Rectifying diode, Power diode

Normal current: 40A

Max current: 570A

Diode voltage drop: 0.575V

Max reverse voltage: 800V

Max AC: 560V

Max DC: 800V

Material: Silicon

Price: €6

Test: 1N1490

Type: 1N1490

Markning: 1N1490

Description: Rectifier diode, steel housing

Normal current: 0.75A

Max current: 0.75A

Diode voltage drop: 0.719V

Max AC: 235V

Max DC: 400V

Material: Silicon

Price: €1.04

Test: 1N4007

Type: 1N4007

Markning: 1N4007

Description: Rectifier diode, plastic, short legs

Normal current: 1A

Max current: 30A

Diode voltage drop: 0.841V

Max reverse voltage: 1000V

Max AC: 700V

Max DC: 1000V

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.09

Test: 1N5405

Type: 1N5405

Markning: 1N5405

Description: Rectifier diode, plastic

Normal current: 3A

Max current: 200A

Diode voltage drop: 0.622V

Max reverse voltage: 500V

Max AC: 350V

Max DC: 500V

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.17

Test: 1N5408

Type: 1N5408

Markning: 1N5408

Description: Rectifier diode, plastic

Normal current: 3A

Max current: 200A

Diode voltage drop: 0.622V

Max reverse voltage: 1000V

Max AC: 700V

Max DC: 1000V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:PEC

Price: €0.17

Test: 2AA118

Type: 2AA118

Markning: 2AA118

Description: Signal diode, glass

Normal current: 30mA

Max current: 30mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.872V

Max reverse voltage: 90V

Max AC: 70V

Max DC: 90V

Material: Germanium

Price: €0.17

Test: 2AA119

Type: 2AA119

Markning: 2AA119

Description: Signal diode, glass

Normal current: 10mA

Max current: 35mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.708V

Max reverse voltage: 30V

Max AC: 25V

Max DC: 30V

Material: Germanium

Price: €0.17

Test: 6A6

Type: 6A6

Markning: 6A6

Description: Rectifier diode, plastic

Normal current: 6A

Max current: 400A

Diode voltage drop: 0.583V

Max reverse voltage: 600V

Max AC: 420V

Max DC: 600V

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.52

Test: 827

Type: 827

Markning: 827 7306

Description: Rectifying Diode, used

Diode voltage drop: 0.536V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:ITT

Price: €0.52

Test: AA139

Type: AA139

Markning: AA139

Description: Signal diode, glass

Normal current: 200mA

Max current: 500mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.863V

Max reverse voltage: 20V

Max AC: 14V

Max DC: 20V

Material: Germanium

Price: €0.61

Test: AY102

Type: AY102

Markning: AY102 MT

Description: Rectifying Diode,transistor housing

Normal current: 2A

Max current: 7A

Diode voltage drop: 0.223V

Max reverse voltage: 320V

Max AC: 185V

Max DC: 320V

Material: Germanium

Available vendors:SGS ATES

Price: €1.65

Test: AY105K

Type: AY105K

Markning: AY105K GT

Description: Likriktardiod

Normal current: 5A

Max current: 5A

Diode voltage drop: 0.221V

Max reverse voltage: 250V

Max AC: 175V

Max DC: 250V

Material: Germanium

Available vendors:SGS ATES

Price: €1.65

Test: BA120

Type: BA120

Markning: BA120

Description: Capacitance diode, variable

Normal current: 50nA

Diode voltage drop: 0.736V

Max reverse voltage: 50V

Max DC: 50V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Siemens

Price: €0.78

Test: BA127

Type: BA127

Markning: BA127

Description: Signal diode,glass

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 200mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.728V

Max reverse voltage: 60V

Max AC: 42V

Max DC: 60V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Siemens

Price: €0.26

Test: BA138

Type: BA138

Markning: BA138

Description: Capacitance diode, variable

Normal current: 0.1uA

Diode voltage drop: 0.773V

Max reverse voltage: 30V

Max DC: 30V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Siemens

Price: €0.78

Test: BA148

Type: BA148-2

Markning: BA148 BS1

Description: Signal Diode, plastic, short legs, used

Normal current: 300mA

Max current: 300mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.588V

Max reverse voltage: 300V

Max AC: 240V

Max DC: 300V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Valvo

Price: €0.09

Test: BA148-2

Type: BA148-2

Markning: BA148 BS1

Description: Signal Diode, plastic, short legs, used

Normal current: 300mA

Max current: 300mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.588V

Max reverse voltage: 300V

Max AC: 240V

Max DC: 300V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Valvo

Price: €0.09

Test: BA158

Type: BA158

Markning: BA158 sSc

Description: Rectifying Diode, plastic

Normal current: 300mA

Max current: 1A

Diode voltage drop: 0.692V

Max reverse voltage: 600V

Max AC: 480V

Max DC: 600V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:GSI

Price: €0.35

Test: BA158-2

Type: BA158-2

Markning: BA158

Description: Signal Diode, plastic, short legs, used

Normal current: 400mA

Max current: 1A

Diode voltage drop: 0.663V

Max reverse voltage: 600V

Max AC: 480V

Max DC: 600V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:ITT

Price: €0.09

Test: BA216

Type: BA216

Markning: G GUL B R

Description: Signal Diode, glass

Normal current: 75mA

Max current: 75mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.774V

Max reverse voltage: 10V

Max AC: 7V

Max DC: 10V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Valvo

Price: €0.09

Test: BA217

Type: BA217

Markning: VIO B R

Description: Signal Diode, glass

Normal current: 100mA

Max current: 1A

Diode voltage drop: 0.766V

Max reverse voltage: 30V

Max AC: 24V

Max DC: 30V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Valvo

Price: €0.17

Test: BA173

Type: BA173

Markning: S R BL GUL

Description: Signal Diode, glass

Normal current: 75mA

Max current: 300mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.724V

Max reverse voltage: 300V

Max AC: 240V

Max DC: 300V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:AEG

Price: €0.26

Test: BAX16

Type: BAX16

Markning: BL B

Description: Signal Diode, glass

Normal current: 200mA

Max current: 1A

Diode voltage drop: 0.727V

Max reverse voltage: 150V

Max AC: 120V

Max DC: 150V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Valvo

Price: €0.17

Test: BAY44

Type: BAY44

Markning: BAY44

Description: Signal Diode, glass

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 200mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.778V

Max reverse voltage: 50V

Max AC: 40V

Max DC: 50V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Siemens

Price: €0.35

Test: BAY45

Type: BAY45

Markning: BAY45

Description: Signal Diode, glass

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 250mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.757V

Max reverse voltage: 150V

Max AC: 120V

Max DC: 150V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Siemens

Price: €0.43

Test: BAY46

Type: BAY46

Markning: BAY46

Description: Signal Diode, glass

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 250mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.768V

Max reverse voltage: 300V

Max AC: 240V

Max DC: 300V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Siemens

Price: €0.52

Test: BAY73

Type: BAY73

Markning: BAY73

Description: Signal Diode, glass, short legs

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 500mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.768V

Max reverse voltage: 100V

Max AC: 80V

Max DC: 100V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Fairchild

Price: €0.09

Test: BB105A

Type: BB105A


Description: UHF Diode, plastic, capacitance variation

Normal current: 20mA

Max current: 20mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.785V

Max reverse voltage: 30V

Max AC: 25V

Max DC: 30V

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.17

Test: BB105B

Type: BB105B


Description: UHF Diode, plastic, capacitance variation

Normal current: 20mA

Max current: 20mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.782V

Max reverse voltage: 30V

Max AC: 25V

Max DC: 30V

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.09

Test: CV7109

Type: CV7109

Markning: CV7109 KB/WE

Description: UHF Signal Diode

Diode voltage drop: 0.229V

Material: Germanium

Available vendors:Mullard

Price: €2.17

Test: OA10

Type: OA10

Markning: OA10 Great Britain 4R3

Description: Signal diode, glass

Normal current: 100mA

Max current: 100mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.298V

Max reverse voltage: 30V

Max AC: 17V

Max DC: 30V

Material: Germanium

Available vendors:Mullard

Price: €1.65

Test: OA70

Type: OA70

Markning: OA70

Description: Signal diode,glass

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 400mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.767V

Max reverse voltage: 15V

Max AC: 10.5V

Max DC: 15V

Material: Germanium

Price: €0.52

Test: OA79

Type: OA79

Markning: OA79 2KG

Description: Signal diode, glass

Normal current: 35mA

Max current: 200mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.845V

Max reverse voltage: 45V

Max AC: 30V

Max DC: 45V

Material: Germanium

Price: €0.78

Test: OA81

Type: OA81

Markning: OA81

Description: Signal diode, glass

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 150mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.932V

Max reverse voltage: 115V

Max AC: 80V

Max DC: 90V

Material: Germanium

Price: €0.78

Test: OA85

Type: OA85

Markning: OA85

Description: Signal diode, glass

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 150mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.813V

Max reverse voltage: 115V

Max AC: 80V

Max DC: 90V

Material: Germanium

Price: €0.78

Test: OA95

Type: OA95

Markning: OA95

Description: Signal diode, glass

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 150mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.802V

Max reverse voltage: 115V

Max AC: 75V

Max DC: 90V

Material: Germanium

Price: €0.52

Test: OA160

Type: OA160

Markning: OA160

Description: Signal diode,glass,max 39MHz

Normal current: 10mA

Max current: 12mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.7V

Max reverse voltage: 15V

Max AC: 10.5V

Max DC: 15V

Material: Germanium

Available vendors:Telefunken

Price: €0.78

Test: OA172

Type: OA172

Markning: OA172

Description: Signal diode,glass,max 10.7MHz

Normal current: 4mA

Max current: 10mA

Diode voltage drop: 0.804V

Max reverse voltage: 30V

Max AC: 21V

Max DC: 30V

Material: Germanium

Available vendors:Telefunken

Price: €0.78

Test: OA216

Type: OA216

Markning: OA216

Description: Signal diode, glass

Diode voltage drop: 0.747V

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.35

Test: OF160

Type: OF160


Description: Signal diode, glass

Diode voltage drop: 0.633V

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.17

Test: OF161

Type: OF161


Description: Signal diode, glass

Diode voltage drop: 0.747V

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.17

Test: SI11L

Type: SI11L

Markning: Si 11 L

Description: Rectifying diode, Power diode

Normal current: 13A

Max current: 13A

Diode voltage drop: 0.577V

Max reverse voltage: 400V

Max AC: 280V

Max DC: 400V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:AEG

Price: €11.21

Test: SID20K

Type: SID20K

Markning: SiD 20K

Description: Rectifying diode, Power diode

Normal current: 60A

Max current: 700A

Diode voltage drop: 0.493V

Max reverse voltage: 800V

Max AC: 560V

Max DC: 800V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:AEG

Price: €12.95

Test: SKN2.5-08

Type: SKN2.5-08

Markning: SKN 2,5/08 7421

Description: Rectifying Diode

Normal current: 5A

Max current: 180A

Diode voltage drop: 0.594V

Max reverse voltage: 800V

Max AC: 462V

Max DC: 800V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Semikron

Price: €1.65

Test: SKN45-12

Type: SKN45-12

Markning: SKN 45/12 09

Description: Rectifying diode, Power diode

Normal current: 50A

Max current: 700A

Diode voltage drop: 0.555V

Max reverse voltage: 1200V

Max AC: 840V

Max DC: 1200V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Semikron

Price: €6

Test: Z221119

Type: Z221119

Markning: Z221119

Description: Zener diode 13V 1W

Normal current: 31mA

Max current: 115mA

Diode voltage drop: 13V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Motorola

Price: €1.04

Test: ZL6

Type: ZL6

Markning: ZL 6

Description: Zener Diode 6.5V 10.7W + screw

Normal current: 100mA

Max current: 1.64A

Diode voltage drop: 6.5V

Max AC: 5.85V

Max DC: 7.15V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Ingelenc

Price: €1.65

Test: ZL12E

Type: ZL12E

Markning: ZL12 E

Description: Zener Diode 12V 12.5W + screw

Normal current: 86mA

Max current: 0.62A

Diode voltage drop: 12V

Max AC: 10.7V

Max DC: 13.4V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:ITT

Price: €1.65

Test: ZPY68

Type: ZPY68

Markning: ZPY68

Description: Zener diode 68V 1.3W

Normal current: 10mA

Max current: 98mA

Diode voltage drop: 68V

Max reverse voltage: 72V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:ITT

Price: €0.26

Test: ZX6.2

Type: ZX6.2

Markning: ZX 6,2

Description: Zener Diode 6.2V 12.5W + screw

Normal current: 100mA

Max current: 2A

Diode voltage drop: 6.2V

Max AC: 5.8V

Max DC: 6.6V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:Ingelenc

Price: €2.52

Test: ZX33

Type: ZX33

Markning: ZX33

Description: Zener Diode 33V 12.5W + screw

Normal current: 40mA

Max current: 0.32A

Diode voltage drop: 33V

Max AC: 31V

Max DC: 35V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:ITT

Price: €2.52

Test: ZY15

Type: ZY15

Markning: ZY15

Description: Zener diode 15V 1.3W

Normal current: 50mA

Max current: 98mA

Diode voltage drop: 15V

Max reverse voltage: 15.8V

Material: Silicon

Available vendors:ITT

Price: €0.26

Transistor types, direct match

Test: 2N525

Type: 2N525

Marking: 5 GE 2N525

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 225mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: GE CS

Price: €2.52

Test: 2N1970

Type: 2N1970

Marking: 2N1970 GM 417

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 170W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Delco

Price: €5.13

Test: 2N2043

Type: 2N2043

Marking: 2N2043 352

Description: Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.2W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Mototola

Price: €1.04

Test: 2N2222A

Type: 2N2222A

Marking: 2N 2222A 98805

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0,625W

Material: Silicon

Price: €1.04

Test: 2N2905A

Type: 2N2905A

Marking: 2N2905A 335

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 3W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.74

Test: 2N2907

Type: 2N2907

Marking: 2N2907 609

Description: Logic Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0,4W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.3

Test: 2N2907A

Type: 2N2907A

Marking: 2N2907A 230

Description: Logic Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0,4W

Material: Silicon

Price: €1.74

Test: 2N3585

Type: 2N3585

Marking: 2N3585 RR 431

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 35W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.91

Test: 2N3792

Type: 2N3792

Marking: 2N3792 602

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 150W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €2.52

Test: 2N3866

Type: 2N3866

Marking: 2N3866 CG9936

Description: UHF Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 5W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €2.17

Test: 2N4033

Type: 2N4033

Marking: 2N4033 B7615

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 4W

Material: Silicon

Price: €1.04

Test: 2N5879

Type: 2N5879

Marking: 2N5879 MEX

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 150W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €7.83

Test: 2N7000

Type: 2N7000

Marking: 2N7000 C9118

Description: FETlington

Transistor type: N-E-MOS

Power dispassion: 0,4W

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.26

Test: 2S28

Type: 2S28

Marking: S28 O T

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.625W

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.26

Test: 2SB772

Type: 2SB772

Marking: B772 PM 95

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 12,5W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: NEC

Price: €1.3

Test: 2SC1845

Type: 2SC1845

Marking: C1845 FA77E

Description: Signal Transistor VHF

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0.5W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: NEC

Price: €1.04

Test: 3N84

Type: 3N84

Marking: 3N84 A138GG

Description: Signaltyristor

Transistor type: PNPN

Power dispassion: 0,32W

Material: Silicon

Price: €2.52

Test: 16564

Type: 16564

Marking: 16564 R 645

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.39

Test: 16651

Type: 16651

Marking: 16651 R 645

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.39

Test: 17139

Type: 17139

Marking: 17139 N121101

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: SGS

Price: €1.04

Test: 417801

Type: 417801

Marking: 417801

Description: VHF Tansistor

Transistor type: NPN

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €0.43

Test: AC117

Type: AC117

Marking: AC 117 79

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.4W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €2.26

Test: AC125

Type: AC125

Marking: AC125 J7414

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.5W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.26

Test: AC127

Type: AC127

Marking: C AC 127 BST

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0.34W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Valvo Philips

Price: €2.26

Test: AC150

Type: AC150

Marking: AC150 ng 52

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.1W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €1.65

Test: AC151

Type: AC151R

Marking: AC151rV 7E

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.9W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2.26

Test: AC151R

Type: AC151R

Marking: AC151rV 7E

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.9W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2.26

Test: AC152

Type: AC152

Marking: AC152qa Y6

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.9W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2.26

Test: AC153K

Type: AC153K

Marking: AC153K VI SE

Description: Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 1W

Material: Germanium

Price: €2.52

Test: AC162

Type: AC162

Marking: AC162 C12

Description: Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.9W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2.26

Test: AC175K

Type: AC175K

Marking: AC175 33

Description: Signal Transistor, short legs

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 1W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €1.91

Test: AC176K

Type: AC176K

Marking: AC176K E 1E

Description: Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 1W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2.52

Test: AC188

Type: AC188K

Marking: AC188/01 D J7414

Description: Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 1W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AC188K

Type: AC188K

Marking: AC188/01 D J7414

Description: Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 1W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AD131

Type: AD131

Marking: AD131 hc Y3

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 30W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2.52

Test: AD143R

Type: AD143R

Marking: AD143R 4J

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 30W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: ATES

Price: €1.65

Test: AD148

Type: AD148

Marking: AD148 X1 GG

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 13.5W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2

Test: AD149

Type: AD149

Marking: AD149 6918 D.G.

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 27.5W

Material: Germanium

Price: €1.04

Test: AD162

Type: AD162V

Marking: AD 162V GK-s

Description: Audio Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 6W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €2.52

Test: AD162V

Type: AD162V

Marking: AD 162V GK-s

Description: Audio Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 6W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €2.52

Test: AF102

Type: AF102

Marking: AF102

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 50mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF105

Type: AF105

Marking: AF105 TFK 25

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 30mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €2.52

Test: AF105

Type: AF105

Marking: AF105 TFK 25

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 30mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €2.52

Test: AF114

Type: AF114

Marking: AF114 TdX

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 75mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF115

Type: AF115


Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 75mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Mullard

Price: €2.52

Test: AF116

Type: AF116

Marking: AF116 GREAT BRITAIN 3N4

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 75mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Mullard

Price: €2.52

Test: AF116

Type: AF116

Marking: AF116 GREAT BRITAIN 3N4

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 75mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Mullard

Price: €2.52

Test: AF121

Type: AF121

Marking: AF121 2V4

Description: IF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 100mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF121

Type: AF121

Marking: AF121 2V4

Description: IF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 100mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF124

Type: AF124

Marking: AF124 2rM

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 65mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF125

Type: AF125

Marking: AF125 N427

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 75mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF125

Type: AF125

Marking: AF125 N427

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 75mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF125BOX

Type: AF125BOX

Marking: AF 125 10PCS

Description: 10x VHF transistor,TO-72

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.075W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €12.08

Test: AF126

Type: AF126

Marking: AF126 N327

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 75mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF126

Type: AF126

Marking: AF126 N327

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 75mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF135

Type: AF135

Marking: AF135 Tfk US

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 60mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €2.52

Test: AF135

Type: AF135

Marking: AF135 Tfk US

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 60mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €2.52

Test: AF137

Type: AF137

Marking: AF137 TFK 20

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 60mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €2.52

Test: AF138

Type: AF138

Marking: AF138 Tfk 25 to

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 60mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €2.52

Test: AF139

Type: AF139

Marking: AF139 J7344

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 60mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF178

Type: AF178

Marking: AF178 DA9

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.075W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AF178BOX

Type: AF178BOX

Marking: AF 178 10PCS

Description: 10x VHF transistor,TO-12

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.075W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €12.08

Test: AF179

Type: AF179

Marking: AF179*

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0.14W

Material: Germanium

Price: €2.52

Test: AF200

Type: AF200

Marking: AF200 11Z

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0.225W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2.52

Test: AF201

Type: AF201

Marking: AF201 11Z

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0.225W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2.52

Test: AF279S

Type: AF279S

Marking: AF279S Tfk

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 60mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €1.65

Test: AF367

Type: AF367

Marking: AF367 D840

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 60mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €2.52

Test: AU113

Type: AU113

Marking: AU113 8737

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 5W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: G SGS ATES

Price: €2.52

Test: BC107A

Type: BC107A

Marking: BC 107A N801

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0.3W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €1.65

Test: BC107B

Type: BC107B

Marking: BC107B 8C

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0,75W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €1.22

Test: BC108B

Type: BC108B

Marking: BC108B 2Y

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0,6W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Siemens TFK TI SGS

Price: €1.3

Test: BC177

Type: BC177

Marking: BC177 237

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0,3W

Material: Silicon

Price: €1.3

Test: BC262B

Type: BC262B

Marking: BC262B 7015

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0.3W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: ITT

Price: €1.04

Test: BC548B

Type: BC548B

Marking: BC548B K7K

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 0,625W

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.26

Test: BC557B

Type: BC557B

Marking: C557B 3d

Description: Signal Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.5W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €0.26



Marking: BCY59VIII TE

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 390mW

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: TFK

Price: €1.04

Test: BD106

Type: BD106

Marking: BD106 B-061

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 11,5W

Material: Silicon

Price: €3.39

Test: BD178

Type: BD178

Marking: BD178 2885

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 30W

Material: Silicon

Price: €1.65

Test: BD181

Type: BD181

Marking: 3 BD181 J7328

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 78W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €3.91

Test: BD182

Type: BD182

Marking: BD182 J7437

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 117W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Philips RCA

Price: €3.91

Test: BD291

Type: BD291

Marking: BD291 01 J923

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 60W

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.78

Test: BD292

Type: BD292

Marking: BD292/01 J9 40

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 60W

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.78

Test: BD410

Type: BD410

Marking: BD410 Y386

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 20W

Material: Silicon

Price: €0.78

Test: BDW52C

Type: BDW52C

Marking: BDW 52C 7918

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 125W

Material: Silicon

Price: €3.91

Test: BDX64A

Type: BDX64A

Marking: BDX64A J7627

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 117W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €3.91

Test: BDY20

Type: BDY20

Marking: BDY20 J7517

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 115W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €3.91

Test: BDY38

Type: BDY38

Marking: BDY38 J7121

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 115W

Material: Silicon

Price: €3.91

Test: BFX34

Type: BFX34

Marking: BFX34 001

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 5W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €2.52

Test: BU205

Type: BU205

Marking: BU205 5B

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 36W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Toshiba

Price: €3.91

Test: BU208

Type: BU208

Marking: BU208 7638 BRITAIN

Description: High Voltage Transistor RF<4MhZ

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 55W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: TI Telefunken

Price: €1.56

Test: C15AX570

Type: C15AX570

Marking: C15AX570 8026

Description: Effekttyristor


Price: €1.65

Test: Kyl-TO5

Type: Kyl-TO5

Marking: Blue

Description: Heat sink TO-5


Price: €0.87

Test: LUX100

Type: LUX100

Marking: LUX 100 R623

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: NPN

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.39

Test: ESM159

Type: ESM159

Marking: ESM159 7619

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 90W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.39

Test: MJ2955

Type: MJ2955

Marking: MJ2955 7840

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 115W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €2.52

Test: MJ4502

Type: MJ4502

Marking: MJ4502 8301

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 200W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.39

Test: MJ15012

Type: MJ15012

Marking: MJ15012 8201

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 200W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.39

Test: MPSA06

Type: MPSA06

Marking: MPSA06

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 625mW

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.04

Test: MPSA56

Type: MPSA56

Marking: MPSA56

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 625mW

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.04

Test: N12001

Type: N12001

Marking: N12001 E5

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: TAG

Price: €1.3

Test: N12003

Type: N12003

Marking: N12003 27436

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Material: Silicon

Price: €1.3

Test: N120103

Type: N120103

Marking: N120103 87209

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: SGS

Price: €1.04

Test: N121102

Type: N121102

Marking: N121102 223

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.3

Test: OC26

Type: OC26

Marking: OC26 4dB

Description: Audio Power Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 12,5W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Mullard

Price: €4.26

Test: OC72

Type: OC72

Marking: OC72 U5 U9

Description: Signal transistor, short legs

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 125mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €3.39

Test: OC72

Type: OC72

Marking: OC72 U5 U9

Description: Signal transistor, short legs

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 125mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €3.39

Test: OC74

Type: OC74

Marking: OC74 A

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 220mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €5.13

Test: OC74

Type: OC74

Marking: OC74 A

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 220mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €5.13

Test: OC169

Type: OC169

Marking: OC169 83 mH

Description: VHF transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 250mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €5.13

Test: OC201

Type: OC201

Marking: OC201 GREAT BRITAIN 384

Description: Signal transistor max 3,2MHz, short legs

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.25mW

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Mullard

Price: €3.39

Test: OC604

Type: OC604

Marking: OC604 TFK 6953

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 80mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €5.13

Test: OC615M

Type: OC615M

Marking: OC615M TFK gg 56

Description: Signal transistor VHF, short legs

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 125mW

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Telefunken

Price: €4.26

Test: PBD3511

Type: PBD3511

Marking: PBD3511 U513

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €2.52

Test: S31874

Type: S31874

Marking: S31874

Description: Line Signal Transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €1.04

Test: SE4021

Type: SE4021

Marking: SE 4021 327

Description: Signal transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 200mW

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €1.04

Test: RCA3441X

Type: RCA3441X

Marking: RCA3441X C 7645

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 36W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.39

Test: TF70/30

Type: TF70/30

Marking: 13 TF70/30 m

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 6W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €3.91

Test: TF78/30

Type: TF78/30

Marking: TF78/30

Description: Power transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 6W

Material: Germanium

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €2.52

Test: TH00152

Type: TH00152

Marking: TH00152 512

Description: Signal Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.04

Test: TI3027M

Type: TI3027M

Marking: TI 30 27 M 306 3

Description: Power Transistor Audio

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 106W

Material: Germanium

Price: €1.65

Test: TIP33B

Type: TIP33B

Marking: TIP33B B7536

Description: Power transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 80W

Material: Silicon

Price: €2.52

Test: TIP33B

Type: TIP33B

Marking: TIP33B B7536

Description: Power transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 80W

Material: Silicon

Price: €2.52

Test: TIP41B

Type: TIP41B

Marking: TIP41B I 7641

Description: Power transistor

Transistor type: NPN

Power dispassion: 65W

Material: Silicon

Price: €3.39

Test: 151-087

Type: 151-087

Marking: 151-087 310 D

Description: Signal Transistor

Transistor type: PNP

Power dispassion: 0.2W

Material: Silicon

Price: €1.65

Test: 1N2973B

Type: 1N2973B

Marking: 1N2973B 7306H

Description: Zener Diode 9,1V 10W + screw

Power dispassion: 10W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Silenc

Price: €1.65

Test: 1N3018B

Type: 1N3018B

Marking: 1N3018B

Description: Zener diode 8.2V 1W

Power dispassion: 1W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.04

Test: 1N3350B

Type: 1N3350B

Marking: 1N3350B 7602D

Description: Zener Diode 200V 50W + screw

Power dispassion: 50W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Silenc

Price: €2.52

Test: BZX83C6V8

Type: BZX83C6V8

Marking: BZX83C 6,8V

Description: Zener diode 6,8V 0.5W

Power dispassion: 0.5W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €0.26

Test: BZX83C12

Type: BZX83C12

Marking: BZX83C 12V

Description: Zener diode 12V 0.5W

Power dispassion: 0.5W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €0.26

Test: BZX83C18

Type: BZX83C18

Marking: BZX83C 18V

Description: Zener diode 18V 0.5W

Power dispassion: 0.5W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €0.26

Test: OAZ205

Type: OAZ205

Marking: OAZ205 Great Britain LON3

Description: Zener diode 7.5V 0.42W

Power dispassion: 0,42W

Material: Silicon

Available vendors: Mullard

Price: €1.04

IC-types, direkt match

Test: 555

Type: 555

Marking: NE555P 93M DN1819

Description: Timer

Material: Plastic

Price: €0.35

Test: 2516

Type: 2516

Marking: TMS 2516JL AP8027

Description: 2K x 8 EPROM

Material: Ceramic

Price: €2.61

Test: 27C512

Type: 27C512

Marking: 27C512-15JL ALEE 9035

Description: 64K x 8 EPROM

Material: Ceramic

Price: €7.39

Test: 4118

Type: 4118

Marking: MK4118N-4 8035

Description: 1K x 8 CMOS RAM

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Mostek

Price: €3.04

Test: 5438J

Type: 5438J

Marking: SN5438J 76 49

Description: 4x 2-bit NAND

Material: Ceramic

Price: €3.04

Test: 5474J

Type: 5474J

Marking: SN5474J 7619

Description: 2x 4-bit->2 FlipFlop

Material: Ceramic

Price: €3.04

Test: 54157J

Type: 54157J

Marking: SNA54157J 7153A

Description: 4x 2-1 Multiplexer

Material: Ceramic

Price: €3.04

Test: 54LS175J

Type: 54LS175J

Marking: SN54LS175J 8109BG

Description: 4x D FlipFlop

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: TI National

Price: €3.04

Test: 54LS244J

Type: 54LS244J

Marking: SNC54LS244J 7901 H

Description: 8 buffer line drivers with 3 state output

Material: Ceramic

Price: €3.04

Test: 54LS299J

Type: 54LS299J

Marking: SN54LS299J 8236BG

Description: 8 shift/storage register with 3 state output

Material: Ceramic

Price: €3.04

Test: 54LS374J

Type: 54LS374J

Marking: SN54LS374J 8314CG

Description: 8 D-typ flip-flop with 3 status output

Material: Ceramic

Price: €3.04

Test: 6802

Type: 6802

Marking: MC6802P 79 48

Description: 8-bit CPU + 128B RAM Max 4MHz

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €7.39

Test: 6526

Type: 6526

Marking: 6526 3589 216A

Description: C64 SIA

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: CSG

Price: €8.26

Test: 7400

Type: 7400

Marking: DM7400N 241

Description: 4x 2-bit NAND

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: National

Price: €2.17

Test: 7403

Type: 7403

Marking: SN7403N 7352

Description: 4x NAND

Material: Plastic

Price: €2.17

Test: 7420

Type: 7420

Marking: SN7420N 7231

Description: 2x 4-bit NAND

Material: Plastic

Price: €2.17

Test: 74121

Type: 74121

Marking: 74121N 8233

Description: 3-bit mono multivibrator,schmitt-trigger in

Material: Plastic

Price: €1.3

Test: 74141

Type: 74141

Marking: K155ИД1 1814

Description: BCD to Decimal (nixie)

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Integral

Price: €1.74

Test: 74196

Type: 74196

Marking: SN74196N 7313

Description: BCD/BI-Q 4-bit counter

Material: Plastic

Price: €1.04

Test: 75182

Type: 75182

Marking: SN75182N 8008

Description: Dual differential line receivers

Material: Plastic

Price: €1.04

Test: 8748

Type: 8748

Marking: D8748HD 8544P9017

Description: 8-bit CPU + 1KB EPROM + 64B RAM

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: NEC

Price: €7.39

Test: 68HC000

Type: 68HC000

Marking: HD68HC000CP12, CMOS CP-68

Description: 16- data bus,32- register,24-bit RAM CPU

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Hitachi

Price: €5.65

Test: 74LS14

Type: 74LS14

Marking: DM74LS14N SP8337

Description: 6x Inverter

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: National

Price: €1.04

Test: 74LS27

Type: 74LS27

Marking: SN74LS27N 8223B

Description: 3x 3-bit NOR

Material: Plastic

Price: €0.87

Test: 74LS32

Type: 74LS32

Marking: HD74LS32P 0K3 4

Description: 4x 2-bit OR

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Hitachi

Price: €1.04

Test: 74LS86

Type: 74LS86

Marking: 74LS86PC QM7931

Description: 4x 2-bit XOR

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €0.87

Test: 74LS122

Type: 74LS122

Marking: SN74LS122N F 7927

Description: 1x Flip Flop

Material: Plastic

Price: €0.87

Test: 74LS132

Type: 74LS132

Marking: 74LS132N 8436

Description: 4x 2-bit ST NAND

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: S TI

Price: €0.87

Test: 74LS138

Type: 74LS138

Marking: SN74LS138N I8310

Description: 1 av 8 Demultiplexer

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.04

Test: 74LS157

Type: 74LS157

Marking: DM74LS157N SP224

Description: 4x 2-1 Multiplexer

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: National TI

Price: €0.87

Test: 74LS161

Type: 74LS161

Marking: SN74LS161AN F7836

Description: 4-bit up counter

Material: Plastic

Price: €1.04

Test: 74LS165

Type: 74LS165

Marking: SN74LS165N F 7910

Description: Shift register

Material: Plastic

Price: €1.04

Test: 74LS174

Type: 74LS174

Marking: DM74LS174N 049P

Description: 6x D FlipFlop

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: National

Price: €1.04

Test: 74LS240

Type: 74LS240

Marking: SN74LS240N I8216

Description: 8 buffer line drivers with 3 state output,inv

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.3

Test: 74LS244

Type: 74LS244

Marking: SN74LS244N 8022X

Description: 8 buffer line drivers with 3 state output

Material: Plastic

Price: €1.3

Test: 74LS367

Type: 74LS367

Marking: 74LS367APC 8339A

Description: 6x bus driver

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Fairchild SGS Motorola

Price: €1.04

Test: 74LS373

Type: 74LS373

Marking: SN74LS373N NXY F8218A

Description: 8 transparent latch with 3 state output

Material: Plastic

Price: €1.3

Test: 4001K

Type: 4001K

Marking: MC14001BAL 82 33

Description: 4x 2-bit NOR

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4002K

Type: 4002K

Marking: MC14002BAL 78-16

Description: 2x 4-bit NOR

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4008K

Type: 4008K

Marking: MC14008BAL 78-12

Description: 4-bit adder with Carry

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4009

Type: 4009

Marking: CD4009AE L342

Description: 6x inverter

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €1.04

Test: 4010K

Type: 4010K

Marking: MC14010CL 73-20

Description: 6x buffer

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4011

Type: 4011

Marking: CD4011AE L337

Description: 4x NOR

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: RCA Motorola

Price: €0.87

Test: 4012

Type: 4012

Marking: 4012PC 7647

Description: 2x D4-bit NAND

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €1.04

Test: 4013

Type: 4013

Marking: 4013BCP 7901

Description: 2x D FlipFlop

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €1.3

Test: 4013K

Type: 4013K

Marking: 4013BDM 8044

Description: 2x D FlipFlop

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €3.04

Test: 4014

Type: 4014

Marking: MC14014BCP 78-04

Description: Shift register

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.04

Test: 4015K

Type: 4015K

Marking: CD4015BF 123

Description: Shift register

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.04

Test: 4016

Type: 4016

Marking: CD4016AE L340

Description: 4x bilateral switch

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €1.04

Test: 4017K

Type: 4017K

Marking: CD4017BF 101

Description: Decimal counter

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.04

Test: 4018K

Type: 4018K

Marking: MC14018BAL 81 11

Description: Division counter

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4023

Type: 4023

Marking: CD4023BCN

Description: 3x 3-bit NAND

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: National

Price: €1.04

Test: 4025K

Type: 4025K

Marking: MC14025BAL 77-25

Description: 3x 3-bit NOR

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4031

Type: 4031

Marking: MC14031CP 7334

Description: 64 step static shift register

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola RCA

Price: €0.87

Test: 4031K

Type: 4031K

Marking: CD4031AF 409

Description: 64 step static shift register

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €2.61

Test: 4035K

Type: 4035K

Marking: MC14035BAL 81 19

Description: Shift register

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4040

Type: 4040

Marking: HEF4040BP 831 1

Description: Binry counter

Material: Plastic

Price: €1.3

Test: 4040K

Type: 4040K

Marking: MC14040B ALD FF8051

Description: Binary counter

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4043

Type: 4043

Marking: 4043BPC 7718

Description: 4x NOR R/S

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €1.04

Test: 4044

Type: 4044

Marking: HEF4044BP HSH827 1

Description: 4x NAND R/S

Material: Plastic

Price: €1.04

Test: 4049

Type: 4049

Marking: SCL4049UBE 8413 840354

Description: 6x inverter

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: SSS

Price: €1.04

Test: 4049K

Type: 4049K

Marking: MC14049UB AL 8226

Description: 6x inverter

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4050K

Type: 4050K

Marking: MC14050BAL 81 18

Description: 6x Buffer

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4051

Type: 4051

Marking: MC14051BCP

Description: 8-kanals analogue multiplexer

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.3

Test: 4053K

Type: 4053K

Marking: CD4053BF 045

Description: Analogue multiplexer

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.04

Test: 4061K

Type: 4061K

Marking: CD4061AD 705

Description: 256x 1-bit static RAM

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €2.17

Test: 4062

Type: 4062

Marking: CD4062A 421 MB 414

Description: 200 step dynamic shift register

Material: Metal

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €1.04

Test: 4066

Type: 4066

Marking: TC4066BP

Description: 4X Bilateral Switch

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Toshiba

Price: €1.3

Test: 4068

Type: 4068

Marking: 4068PC 7646 INDONESIA

Description: 4-bit AND/NAND

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €0.87

Test: 4070

Type: 4070

Marking: MC14070 BCP 79 49

Description: 4X 2-bit XOR

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.3

Test: 4072

Type: 4072

Marking: HEF4072BP h 7703

Description: 2X 4-bit OR

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €1.3

Test: 4073

Type: 4073

Marking: MC14073 BCP 77-31

Description: 3X 3-bit AND

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.3

Test: 4082

Type: 4082

Marking: HEF4082BP HS805 1

Description: 2x 4-bit AND

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €1.3

Test: 4076K

Type: 4076K

Marking: CD4076BF 631

Description: 4-bit D register

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.04

Test: 40174

Type: 40174

Marking: 40174PC 7731

Description: 6x D Flip Flop

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €1.3

Test: 40175

Type: 40175

Marking: 40175BPC 7748

Description: 4x D Flip Flop

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Fairchild

Price: €1.3

Test: 4502K

Type: 4502K

Marking: CD4076BF 901

Description: 6x buffer and inverter

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.04

Test: 4516

Type: 4516

Marking: CD4516BE H 623

Description: 4-bit binary counter up/down

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €1.3

Test: 4516K

Type: 4516K

Marking: CD4516BF 114

Description: 4-bit binary counter up/down

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: RCA

Price: €3.04

Test: 4520K

Type: 4520K

Marking: MC14520CL 7443

Description: 2x 4-bit binary up counter

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4530K

Type: 4530K

Marking: MC14530CL 7248

Description: 2x 5-in majority logic gate

Material: Ceramic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €3.04

Test: 4532

Type: 4532

Marking: HEF4532BP H7740 1Y

Description: 7 IO in > 3-bit out

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €1.3

Test: 341-0039-00

Type: 341-0039-00

Marking: 341-0039-00 @APPLE1979

Description: 2K Apple Silenwriter Interface ROM

Material: Plastic

Price: €8.26

Test: DIL14

Type: DIL14

Marking: DIL 14

Description: DIL sockel

Material: Plastic

Price: €0.43

Test: DIL16

Type: DIL16

Marking: DIL 16

Description: DIL sockel

Material: Plastic

Price: €0.43

Test: LM339

Type: LM339

Marking: LM339NT8041 MLM339P

Description: 4x OP-Aplifier

Material: Plastic

Available vendors: Motorola

Price: €1.74

Static equal type list

Test: 2N3055

USA type1: 2N1487

USA type2: 2N3055

Japan type1: 2SD111

Japan type2: 2SD180

Europa type1: BD130

Europa type2: BD181

Test: AF118

Service type: CV10276

Japan type1: 2SA127

Japan type2: 2SA358

Europa type1: AF118

Europa type2: AF121

Test result, found test strings 476

Total test strings 640

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