470uf 100v capacitor 100v capacitor capacitor electrolytic capacitor ceramic capacitor foil capacitor film capacitor trim capacitor adjustable capacitor tube capacitor disturbance blocking capacitor

4.7 uf 100v 47 microfarad capacitor 100v 470uf 100v capacitor 4.7 uf 100v capacitor .0047 uf capacitor 100v capacitor


On this page you find new (NOS) capacitors.

4.7 uf 100v , 47 microfarad capacitor 100v , 470uf 100v capacitor , 4.7 uf 100v capacitor , .0047 uf capacitor , 100v capacitor

Our capacitors

Capacitor colour codes

Laying electrolytic capacitors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested laying electrolytic capacitors.


Type: 47UF100V

Marking: 47uF 100V 7D 8235

Description: Laying 47uF 100V

Voltage: 100V

Price: €0.92

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 220UF10V20P

Marking: 220uF 10V 20%

Description: Laying 220uF 10V

Voltage: 10V

Precision: 20%

Available vendors: Kemet

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PEG124B

Marking: 160uF 16V

Description: Laying 160uF 16V

Voltage: 16V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PEG124HD

Marking: 220uF 25V

Description: Laying 220uF 25V

Voltage: 25V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PEG124E

Marking: 500uF 16V

Description: Laying 500uF 16V

Voltage: 16V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PEG124GD347

Marking: 470uF 16V

Description: Laying 470uF 16V

Voltage: 16V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35

Standing electrolytic capacitors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested standing electrolytic capacitors.


Type: CH47UF450V

Marking: 47uF 450V

Description: Standing 47uF 450V

Voltage: 450V

Available vendors: Chong

Price: €3.5

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: CH33UF400V

Marking: 33uF 400V

Description: Standing 33uF 400VDC

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 20%

Available vendors: Chongx

Price: €1.57

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: CHA33UF450V

Marking: 33uF 450V

Description: Standing 33uF 450VDC

Voltage: 450V

Precision: 20%

Available vendors: Changxin

Price: €1.75

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: CH47UF400V

Marking: 47uF 400V

Description: Standing 47uF 400VDC

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 20%

Available vendors: Chongx

Price: €2.95

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: CHA100UF100V

Marking: 100uF 450V

Description: Standing 100uF 100VDC

Voltage: 100V

Precision: 20%

Available vendors: Changxin

Price: €0.83

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: CHA100UF250V

Marking: 100uF 250V

Description: Standing 100uF 250VDC

Voltage: 250V

Precision: 20%

Available vendors: Changxin

Price: €2.77

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: CH100UF400V

Marking: 100uF 400V

Description: Standing 100uF 400VDC

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 20%

Available vendors: Chongx

Price: €3.96

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 50UF15VU6

Marking: 50uF 15V- U6

Description: Standing 50uF 15V

Voltage: 15V

Available vendors: Siemens

Price: €0.74

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PEH1322E86

Marking: 8uF+8uF 450V

Description: Standing 8+8uF 450V

Voltage: 450V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €2.3

Min shipping: €6.61

Standing electrolytic capacitors with snap on connectors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested standing electrolytic capacitors with snap on connection.

We don't have any available standing electrolytic capacitors with snap on connectors for the moment.

Standing electrolytic capacitors with screw connectors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested standing electrolytic capacitors with screw connectors.

We don't have any available standing electrolytic capacitors with screw connectors for the moment.

Disturbance blocking capacitors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested disturbance blocking capacitors.


Type: PFE21611N8

Marking: PFE21611N8

Description: Standing 11.8nF 200VDC

Voltage: 200V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.38

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PFE21647N

Marking: PFE216 47nG C7340

Description: Standing 47nF 200VDC

Voltage: 200V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.38

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PFE21656N2

Marking: PFE216 56n2 C7645

Description: Standing 56.2nF 200VDC

Voltage: 200V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.38

Min shipping: €4.35

Foil capacitors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested foil capacitors. These have an out and an inner end that needs to be connected right (signal out from inner end). as capacitance material, diffrent plastics are often used like Polypropylen and Polystyren.


Type: 50PF250V

Marking: 50pF 250V 10%

Description: Laying 50pF 10%

Voltage: 250V

Precision: 10%

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 390H

Marking: 390H

Description: Laying 390pF

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA1N210P400V

Marking: 1200pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 1200pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA1N810P400V

Marking: 1800pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 1800pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA2N210P400V

Marking: 2200pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 2200pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA2N710P400V

Marking: 2700pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 2700pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA3N310P400V

Marking: 3300pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 3300pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA3N910P400V

Marking: 3900pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 3900pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA4N710P400V

Marking: 4700pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 4700pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA5N610P400V

Marking: 5600pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 5600pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA6N810P400V

Marking: 6800pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 6800pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA8N210P400V

Marking: 8200pF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 8200pF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA10N10P400V

Marking: 0,01uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.01uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA12N10P400V

Marking: 0,012uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.012uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA15N10P400V

Marking: 0,015uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.015uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA18N10P400V

Marking: 0,018uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.018uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA22N10P400V

Marking: 0,022uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.022uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA27N10P400V

Marking: 0,027uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.027uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PHE242H0033

Marking: PHE242H 0.033uF

Description: Standing 0.033uF 250VDC

Voltage: 250V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.92

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA33N10P400V

Marking: 0,033uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.033uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.55

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA39N10P400V

Marking: 0,039uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.039uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.55

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 343MCW040047

Marking: 0.047/10/1250 343-MC-W04

Description: Laying 0.047uF 1250VDC

Voltage: 1250V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Philips

Price: €0.83

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 47000PF10P1000V

Marking: 47000pF ±10% 1000V

Description: Laying 0.047uF 10% 1000VDC

Voltage: 1000V

Precision: 10%

Price: €0.28

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA47N10P400V

Marking: 0,047uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.047uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.65

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PHE241DK547

Marking: PHE240DK 0.047uF

Description: Standing 0.047uF 100VDC

Voltage: 100V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.92

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: ER0047UF400VDC

Marking: 0,047uF 400V- 250V~ k E1

Description: Laying 0.047uF 400VDC

Voltage: 400V

Available vendors: Eroid

Price: €1.11

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 56N400V10P-23P

Marking: 0,056uF ±10% 400-

Description: Laying 0.056uF 10% 400VDC

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Price: €0.28

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA56N10P400V

Marking: 0,056uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.056uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.65

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA68N10P400V

Marking: 0,068uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.068uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.74

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PHE241D01

Marking: PHE241D 0.1uF

Description: Standing 0.1uF 100VDC

Voltage: 100V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.11

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PHE241H01

Marking: PHE241H 0.1uF

Description: Standing 0.1uF 250VDC

Voltage: 250V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.11

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA01U10P400V

Marking: 0,1uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.1uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.83

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA012U10P400V

Marking: 0,12uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.12uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €0.92

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PHE241D015

Marking: PHE241D 0.15uF

Description: Standing 0.15uF 100VDC

Voltage: 100V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.11

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA015U10P400V

Marking: 0,15uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.15uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.01

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA018U10P400V

Marking: 0,18uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.18uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.01

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA022U10P400V

Marking: 0,22uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.22uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.11

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA027U10P400V

Marking: 0,27uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.27uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.11

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA033U10P400V

Marking: 0,33uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.33uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.2

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA039U10P400V

Marking: 0,39uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.39uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.2

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PHE240D047

Marking: PHE240D 0.47uF

Description: Standing 0.47uF 100VDC

Voltage: 100V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €1.29

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: FA047U10P400V

Marking: 0,47uF ±10% 400V

Description: Laying 0.47uF 10% 400V

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Farad

Price: €1.2

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PME26161000

Marking: PME2616 1000pF 630-

Description: Standing 1000pF 630V

Voltage: 630V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PME271Y447

Marking: 4700pF@Y 250~MP fo=29MHz

Description: Standing 4700pF 250VAC

Voltage: 250VAC

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PME26160022

Marking: PME2616 0.022uF 630-

Description: Standing 0.022uF 630V

Voltage: 630V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PME26160033

Marking: PME2616 0.033uF 630-

Description: Standing 0.033uF 630V

Voltage: 630V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: PMG5102

Marking: 0.25uF 250V-

Description: Laying 0.25uF 250VDC

Voltage: 250V

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.46

Min shipping: €4.35

Film capacitors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested film capacitors. These have discs with capitance material between, as capacitance material, diffrent plastics are often used like Polypropylen and Polystyren.


Type: 47N250V10PST

Marking: 0,047 10% 250- MMK

Description: Standing 47nF 250VDC

Voltage: 250V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.65

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 47N250VBST

Marking: 0.047 250- B MKS

Description: Standing 47nF 250VDC, short legs

Voltage: 250V

Available vendors: Wima

Price: €0.28

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 47N400V10PST

Marking: 0,047 10% 400 EVOX MMK

Description: Standing 47nF 400VDC

Voltage: 400V

Precision: 10%

Available vendors: Rifa

Price: €0.74

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 47K630VDCST

Marking: MKT1822/DIN44222 ,047K630-

Description: Standing 47nF 630VDC

Voltage: 630V

Available vendors: Ero

Price: €0.37

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: KP1833056

Marking: KP1833 0,056uF ±5% 630- F6

Description: Standing 56nF 5% 630VDC

Voltage: 630V

Precision: 5%

Available vendors: Ero

Price: €0.74

Min shipping: €4.35

Disc capacitors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested disc capacitors. As capacitance material ceramics is mostly used. Capacitances in nF and pF are most common.


Type: MDC220KX5F

Marking: MDC 220K X5F

Description: Standing disc 220pF 1kV

Voltage: 500V

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: Z5U001M1KV

Marking: Z5U .001M 1KV

Description: Standing disc 845pF 1kV

Voltage: 1kV

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: CD0022

Marking: CD .0022

Description: Standing disc 2.2nF

Voltage: 1kV

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: Z5U2200M1KV

Marking: Z5U 2200M 1KV

Description: Standing disc 2.2nF 1kV

Voltage: 1kV

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: CD0047

Marking: CD .0047

Description: Standing disc 4.7nF

Voltage: 1kV

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: Z5U01M1KV

Marking: Z5U .0.1M 1KV

Description: Standing disc 7.7nF 1kV

Voltage: 1kV

Available vendors: O2I

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35


Type: 47NZ63VY

Marking: 47n Z 63V

Description: Standing disc 47nf 63V

Voltage: 63V

Available vendors: Thomson

Price: €0.18

Min shipping: €4.35

Tube capacitors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested tube capacitors. As capacitance material ceramics is mostly used. Capacitances in pF are most common.

We don't have any available tube capacitors for the moment.

Trim capacitors

This list contains new (NOS) and tested trim capacitors. As capacitance material, air is mostly used and the capacitance is adjusted mostly with a screw driver. Capacitances in pF area is most common.

We don't have any available trim capacitors for the moment.


Here you find special capacitors and acessories.

We don't have any available special capacitors and acessories for the moment.


Learn more about diffrent types of capacitors

Mr Carlson's Lab Education video about capacitors